Vehicle registration in company name

Published by:
Netherlands Vehicle Authority, RDW
Netherlands Vehicle Authority, RDW
4 min read

You can transfer the registration of a vehicle to your company if it is a legal personality, for example a bv or nv. When you end your company, the car registration needs to be transferred to another company or to a private individual.

Your business must be a legal entity: a bv, nv, vof (general partnership), association, cooperative, or foundation. And it must be registered in the Business Register of the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK. A foreign legal entity that has a KVK registration can also register a vehicle registration in the company name.

Do you have a sole proprietorship, shipping company, professional partnership, or legal entity in formation? Then you can only register the car in your own name.

How to transfer the registration

Buy from an RDW recognised company

Are you buying a vehicle from a vehicle selling company recognised by the RDW? Then that company can usually arrange the transfer directly to your company. You only need to bring a valid Dutch proof of identity and an extract from the Dutch Business Register. You can find these recognised companies via the RDW location guide (in Dutch).

Buy from a private person or legal personality

Are you buying from a private individual or legal person? Then you arrange the transfer via a vehicle registration counter, RDW desk or inspection station. You may also be able to transfer the vehicle online. For more information, see how the online transfer is done. Some registration desks are open on Sundays and in the evenings.

Bring the following documentation:

  • the registration certificate or registration card and the registration code (tenaamstellingcode) or
  • the original registration certificate (Part IB) and the transfer certificate. The seller of the vehicle must give you these.
  • valid proof of identity
  • a Business Register extract.

A driving licence is not required.

You will receive 2 documents: a registration transfer report and a certificate of indemnity. This is proof that the vehicle is no longer registered in the seller's name. You give this to the seller.

Now the vehicle is registered in the name of your company.

Check transfer immediately

After the transfer you can immediately check whether the vehicle is registered in your name. This can be done via 'My RDW' (Login private person). For this you need a DigiD app or DigiD with SMS verification.

When you register a vehicle in your company name, you will need to show proof of identification.

Identification at the vehicle registration counter, RDW desk or RDW inspection station

The authorised signatory of a company (legal entity) can identify themselves using the following valid documents to transfer the vehicle to your company:

  • Dutch driving licence
  • Dutch passport
  • Dutch identity card

Identification at the RDW desk or RDW inspection station

You can only use the following documents as proof of identity at an RDW desk or inspection station:

  • Identity card or driving licence from an EU or EFTA country
  • Diplomatic passport
  • Dutch travel document for foreign nationals
  • Dutch travel document for refugees
  • Service passport
  • Foreign passport

Note: you cannot register a vehicle with a (provisional) residence permit.

Bring an extract from the Dutch Business Register

In addition to your identification document, you must show a (copy of) a recent extract from the KVK Business Register. The extract may not be older than 1 year and may not be a print from the internet. The extract must contain the name of the authorised signatory.

Vehicle obligations

Once the vehicle is in your name, you are responsible for the vehicle obligations:

Driving without a registration certificate

Have you registered the vehicle, but have not yet received the registration certificate? Then you can already drive on the Dutch roads. The Dutch police can look directly in the vehicle registration register for your details. You must be able to show your registration certificate 14 days after the transfer of the vehicle. Please note: You are not allowed to drive your vehicle abroad without a registration certificate.

Changes in KVK Registration

When you end your business

Are you ending your business and deregistering it from the Dutch Business Register? A vehicle can then no longer be registered under this company name. Make sure all vehicles have been transferred to another company or to the name of a private individual. Do you have more than 50 vehicles that you need to transfer? Here you can read (in Dutch) what you need to do.

A vehicle from a discontinued company may no longer be used on the public road. During a check, the police can confiscate the vehicle.

Only change company name and/or address

When the name or address of your business changes, but not the KVK registration, you are not obliged to transfer the vehicle registration documents. Name and address details change automatically in our vehicle registration register.

It may be wise to adjust your vehicle registration documents. Incorrect name and address details on the registration certificate can cause problems abroad. You can change the name and address details on the registration certificate via Lost Registration Certificate (in Dutch).

New KVK number

When your company continues under a new KVK registration, you must transfer the vehicles to the company with this new KVK registration. This is necessary, for example, if your company changes its legal structure. Will your company become a sole proprietorship? Then you must transfer the vehicles in your own name.

Questions relating to this article?

Please contact the Netherlands Vehicle Authority, RDW