Point of Single Contact: Poland
Start your adventure doing business in Poland.
Doing business in Poland
Deal with all your Polish business matters on Biznes.gov.pl. On this website you can find general information on starting and running a business in Poland, including taxes, insurance, concessions, and permits. You can also handle official matters and sign documents online at Biznes.gov.pl. The information is available in Polish and English.
PSCs as Single Digital Gateway frontrunners
Biznes.gov.pl is the Polish Point of Single Contact (PSC) – the business portal serving the goal of the European Union (EU) to improve the internal market via a Single Digital Gateway (SDG). Biznes.gov.pl offers EU citizens centralised access to information about running business in Poland in a non-discriminatory way. PSCs work together through the EUGO network. See the European Commission website for more information about the EUGO network.