Are you a media organisation, do you produce printed, or digital media publications with journalistic content? Or are you a media startup or investigative journalist? You may be eligible for a subsidy from the Dutch Journalism Fund (Stimuleringsfonds voor de Journalistiek, SVDJ, in Dutch) or the Dutch Fund for Journalism Projects (Fonds Bijzondere Journalistieke Projecten, FBJP, in Dutch).

SVDJ Accelerator (SVDJ)

The SVDJ Accelerator (in Dutch) is financial support and coaching for innovative media projects. The programme is for media organisations, which want to experiment with new platforms and media solutions.

Professionalisation of local public media institutions (SVDJ)

The Professionalisation of local public media institutions scheme (in Dutch) is available for local public media institutions that want to professionalise in terms of journalistic content and organisation.

Research scheme (SVDJ)

The Research scheme (in Dutch) is meant for research to improve the Dutch journalism sector. Applications can be submitted year-round.

Thematic collaboration scheme (SVDJ)

The Thematic collaboration scheme (in Dutch) is meant for journalists from different regions, who work together on research for one theme.

Investigative journalism scheme (SVDJ)

The Investigative journalism scheme (in Dutch) is meant for cooperation between (regional and local) media organisations doing investigative journalism.

Sustainability of investigative journalism organisations (SVDJ)

The Sustainability of investigative journalism organisations scheme (in Dutch) is meant for investigative journalism organisations in the Netherlands to improve their financial sustainability.

Dutch Fund for Journalism Projects (FBJP)

The Dutch Fund for In-depth Journalism grants various subsidies to individual journalists for in-depth journalistic productions which would not be possible without extra funding.

When do you qualify?

Different conditions apply to the different subsidy schemes. Visit the webpages above for details.

How to apply?

Apply to the Dutch Journalism Fund for SVDJ subsidies. You can find all (expected) application dates on their website (in Dutch). Applications take 13 weeks to process.

Apply to the Dutch Fund for In-depth Journalism (in Dutch). You will need to register first (in Dutch).