Interreg subsidy programme

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Please note: temporarily closed

Do you work together with businesses or organisations from other European countries to improve sustainability in Europe? Or are you looking for international partners to carry out your innovation? You can use the Interreg subsidy programme (in Dutch) to develop your project.

Interreg or European Territorial Cooperation is a European subsidy scheme under which parties from various countries work together on projects in the field of spatial and regional development.

When do you qualify?

A project must be carried out by partners (such as a government organisation, a knowledge institute, company, or non-profit organisation) from at least 2 different countries. It must fit the theme of the regional programme, such as climate, renewable energy, or circular economy. Examples of Interreg programmes active in the Netherlands are:

Do you plan to submit a proposal for Interreg? You can apply for the Project Stimulus Regulation for Interreg (Projectstimuleringsregeling voor Interreg, PSR, in Dutch) for a contribution of up to €25,000 to the cost of developing your proposal with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency.

How to apply?

Different application deadlines apply to the various programmes. There are currently no open calls.

You apply to the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland, RVO).

Check your idea with an adviser before your application (in Dutch). They can help you develop your project, help with the application itself, and help you find (international) partners. You can also search calls for projects on the EU's Interreg website.