SLIM subsidy for staff development

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO

Do you run an SME? And do you want to invest in your personnel’s expertise, growth, and development? Or do you want to train your personnel in a socially key sector, such as care, childcare, or technology? Then you can apply for the SLIM subsidy.

When do you qualify for the SLIM subsidy?

SLIM SME subsidy

You can make use of the SLIM SME subsidy if your company wants to:

  • hire an adviser who makes a learning and development plan for your company (for example by performing a learning culture scan)
  • hire an adviser who provides career advice and learning and development advice to your employees
  • create an approach to encourage employees to further develop their skills, knowledge, and professional attitude, for example through a company training centre

You are eligible for the SLIM SME subsidy:

  • as an SME. You will need to supply several documents among others an SME declaration (in Dutch).
  • as part of an SME partnership or collaboration. A partnership consists of at least 2 SMEs, of which the leading party may be an SME, sector organisation, educational institution, O&O fund (Education and Development fund), employees’ or employers’ organisation.

Please check the conditions for the SLIM SME subsidy before you apply (in Dutch).

SLIM training subsidy

You can make use of the SLIM learning subsidy if you want to offer your (new) employees a practice based training for their (future) jobs in the socially key sectors for example care, technology, childcare, education, green area, and ICT (in Dutch).

You are eligible for the SLIM training subsidy:

  • as an employer
  • as a childminding agency
  • as a collective of at least of 1 or more employees’ and employers’ organisations, and/or 1 or more O&O funds.

The training must be part of a sectoral development path (in Dutch).

Please check the conditions for the SLIM training subsidy before you apply (in Dutch).

How to apply?

You can apply for the SLIM SME subsidy to the Agency of Social Affairs and Employment (Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid, Uitvoering van Beleid, in Dutch).

  • SME partnerships can apply from 2 June 2025, 09:00 hours until 30 June 2025, 17:00 hours.
  • SMEs can apply from 3 March 2025, 09:00 hours until 31 March 2025, 17:00 hours, and from 1 September 2025, 09:00 hours until 30 September 2025, 17:00 hours.

You can apply once per period and you will need to supply several documents (in Dutch).

You can apply for the SLIM training subsidy to the Agency of Social Affairs and Employment (in Dutch).

  • Employers and childminding agencies can apply from 10 March 2025, 09:00 hours until 31 June 2025, 17:00 hours, and from 1 July 2025, 09:00 hours until 10 November 2025, 17:00 hours.
  • Collectives can apply from 1 September 2025, 9:00 hours until 30 September 2025, 17:00 hours.

You can apply once per period and you will need to supply several documents (in Dutch).

Before you apply for a SLIM subsidy, you need to register (in Dutch). You can do this 2 weeks before application opens.

For more information you can contact the Agency of Social Affairs and Employment.

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