Subsidy scheme for demonstration projects, feasibility studies, and investment preparation projects (DHI)
Are you an SME company in the Netherlands interested in investing in an upcoming market or a developing country? Then you can apply for the subsidy scheme for demonstration projects, feasibility studies, and investment preparation projects (DHI).
The DHI scheme is open to projects in all countries except the European part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and possibly countries subject to international sanctions. There are two separate budgets: one for developing countries listed as Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF) countries and one for other countries.
Green DHI projects
Do you want to export or invest abroad and does your project contribute to 'green' goals? If so, you can apply for an extra DHI subsidy. Projects that meet the conditions can receive subsidy for up to 70% of the eligible costs.
When do you qualify?
You are eligible for this scheme if, among others:
- you are a large company working together with an SME in the (Caribbean) Netherlands
- you meet the conditions regarding eligible countries
How to apply?
You can apply for the DHI subsidy scheme (in Dutch) until and including 31 December 2025 with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland, RVO).
It is advisable to read more about the application process (in Dutch) before you apply, or contact RVO. If you want an indication of your project's eligibility you can submit a quickscan (in Dutch, scroll down to Stap 2: Vul de quickscan in to download the appropriate file) by email to