Financial support for self-employed professionals (Bbz)

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO

Are you a freelancer or self-employed professional in the Netherlands and in need of financial support? For instance because you want to start a business while you are on benefits?

Your municipality can offer you various forms of social benefit options under the Decree on Social Assistance to the Self-Employed (Besluit bijstandverlening zelfstandigen, Bbz). The Bbz offers loans, credits, or low income supplements. Also, your municipality can offer you coaching free of charge.

When are you eligible for Bbz?

Different groups of freelancers/self-employed persons are eligible:

When do you qualify?

Whether you are eligible for financial support as a freelancer/self-employed professional depends on your situation. As does the type of support you require. There are different requirements for each situation. For instance, your personal capital determines if your company capital is a grant or a loan (which you have to pay interest on). It is important to check which requirements apply to your situation. Your local municipality can help you with this.

You can also use the Dutch-language Bbz check to find out if you are eligible. This tool is an initiative of several collaborating government organisations.

How to apply?

You submit your application to the social services department of your municipal authority (in Dutch).