Loan TMI Proof of concept fund Flevoland (POC Fonds)

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
< 1 min read
Nederlandse versie
Credit, loan, or guarantee

Do you have an idea for technological innovation? Is your SME based in, or moving to Flevoland? You may be eligible for a loan from the TMI Proof of concept fund Flevoland (POC Fonds).

Who can apply?

You can apply for the Proof of Concept fund Flevoland (in Dutch) if:

  • Your SME is based in Flevoland or will move there within 12 months of the application date.
  • It concerns a level 4 to 7 technological innovation according to the Technology Readiness Levels-system (in Dutch).
  • You focus on the RIS3 sectors: Agriculture & Food, Chemical & Bio-based, Creative Industries, Energy, High-tech systems & Materials, Life Sciences & Health, Logistics, Horticulture & Starting materials, Water & Maritime and cross-overs.

How to apply?

You can request financing with Horizon Flevoland (in Dutch), the regional development agency for the province of Flevoland.

To complete your application, you need to provide a business plan. This must include a financial section concerning the development of liquidity for the coming years.

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