Debt collectors must be registered

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Effective date: 1 April 2024

What has changed?

Are you a debt collector? Debt collection service providers must register with screening authority Justis. Only registered debt collectors are allowed to offer and perform extrajudicial debt collection services. This is laid down in the Debt collection services quality Act (Wet kwaliteit incassodienstverlening - Wki). Justis reviews whether debt collection service providers meet the requirements and can be included in the debt collection register.

You must be registered no later than 1 April 2025. This is 1 year after the act has taken effect. You have to pay a fee for registration and you pay an annual fee as a means of funding the supervision. If you have started your debt collecting services after 1 April 2024, you must register right away.

Please note: From 1 October 2024, the stacking of collection costs (cumulation) for recurring claims will also be limited. This means that collection costs can be no more than 140 euros per 6 months, if the monthly claim or instalment amount is lower than 266.67 euros.

Quality requirements and supervision

If you perform extrajudicial debt collection services you must make sure your services are of good quality. The law imposes requirements on, among others:

  • professional knowledge
  • clarity of the claim
  • professional etiquette
  • provision of information
  • administration
  • how you treat your clients

The Inspectorate of Justice and Security (in Dutch) is responsible for the supervision of debt collectors and monitors whether they keep to the rules. Supervision is focused on informing and supporting debt collection service providers.

For whom?

  • Extrajudicial debt collectors who collect debts on behalf of other organisations or individuals from consumers residing in the Netherlands (or after a debt has been transferred to them).
  • Extrajudicial debt collection service providers that perform these services alongside other activities.

Bailiffs and lawyers do not have to register as they are already included in a register on the basis of their profession. However, their debt collection services must meet the quality requirements set by this law.


The law on the quality of debt collection services (Wet kwaliteit incassodienstverlening) has entered into effect on 1 April 2024. Debt collection agencies can now register with Justis. Debt collectors must meet the quality criteria from the moment the act has entered effect. They must make sure they are registered by 1 April 2025.

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Please contact the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO