Municipalities may introduce zero-emission zones
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What has changed?
Are you considering to buy a new van? Municipalities are now allowed to introduce zero-emission zones. These are areas where only vans and trucks are allowed if these vehicles do not exhaust emissions.
Do you have a van? Then you can only enter these zones if your van is electric and does not emit harmful substances.
Municipalities must announce the introduction of zero-emission zones (in Dutch) at least 4 years before they take effect. This way entrepreneurs will have enough time to prepare for it. The government wants to help entrepreneurs with a subsidy of up to €5,000 on electric vehicles. This is the SEBA scheme.
Zero-emission zones are also called ze-zones. A zero-emission zone is completely separate from an environmental zone.
For whom?
- entrepreneurs with vans and/or trucks
This change in the ‘Traffic rules and signs regulation’ (Reglement verkeersregels en verkeerstekens) entered into effect on 1 January 2025.
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