Startup funding from the government

Published by:
Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK
Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK
2 min read

Do you need funding for your startup? You may be eligible for Dutch government financing, or your best option may be to approach private investors.

What is a startup?

In the Netherlands, the term startup is not just used for new businesses. It is a term specifically used for companies that are innovative, usually in tech solutions, or using innovative production methods. A startup is a business that translates an innovative idea into a scaleable and generic product or service, using new technology. Scaleable and generic means that the product or service is developed and produced once, and can be sold over and over again.

Starting or growing?

You may need money at different times in your business life: when you are just setting up your startup and need funding for your innovative idea, or when you have been in business for a couple of years and need money for new ideas or expansion.

A summary of types of startup funding that the government provides

There are several types of government funding opportunities for startups, such as:

The Startup Box is an initiative of the Ministry of Economic Affairs,, Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK and Netherlands Enterprise Agency RVO. If you have any questions about the Startup Box, email or call the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK.

Other points of interest

IP rights

Finding financing for your innovation is important. But it is also, if not more important, to make sure your idea or invention is protected. Make sure to protect your intellectual property.

Mentoring and coaching

Starting entrepreneurs can apply for mentoring and coaching to help them set up their startup. There are national and local initiatives.

Residence permit for startups

Do you want to move to the Netherlands to set up your startup? There is a special residence permit for foreign startups that you can apply for.

Questions relating to this article?

Please contact the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK