Declaration of collective transport

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
< 1 min read
Nederlandse versie

Do you want to work together with other entrepreneurs to start a business in bus or taxi transport in the Netherlands? This combined business will be a general partnership (vennootschap onder firma, VOF). A general partnership will need a declaration of collective transport (verklaring gezamenlijk vervoer).

What is a declaration of collective transport?

A declaration of collective transport confirms that all partners run the bus or taxi transport company at their joint expense and risk.

How to apply for a declaration of collective transport?

You apply for declaration of collective transport with Kiwa Register when you apply for a taxi operator licence or a licence to offer bus or coach services as a general partnership. You complete the relevant form and include it with your application:

On these forms, you state who is the owner of the vehicle, and who is the operator of the vehicle.

Mutual liability criteria

A general partnership must meet the mutual liability criteria (gezamenlijkheidscriterium) to ensure that each partner has the same risk and reward in the partnership. Kiwa Register evaluates your application on:

  • the equal distribution of profit
  • the equal distribution of costs (such as insurance or temporary replacements due to illness)
  • 3rd party liability

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