Are you going to build, renovate, or demolish? If so, you must comply with the rules in the Decree on construction works in the living environment (Besluit bouwwerken leefomgeving, Bbl). And with the rules in the environment plan (omgevingsplan). You usually need an environment and planning permit.

Technical and spatial construction

The Environment and Planning Act (Omgevingswet) splits the construction of a building (structure) into a technical and a spatial part. This results in 2 activities: the technical building activity and the environment plan activity for construction works. As a result, you may need 2 environment and planning permits.

Technical construction rules

Your building must be constructed in line with the technical construction rules (building regulations). This is important when you select premises for your business and when you start to refurbish or construct a building.

The technical rules on the safety, health, usability, and sustainability of buildings are set out in the Decree on construction works in the living environment (Besluit bouwwerken leefomgeving, Bbl). A Dutch-language practical guide that explains this decree (Praktijkboek Besluit bouwwerken leefomgeving, in Dutch) is available to help you understand these rules.

Go to the online service counter Omgevingsloket (in Dutch) to check if you need an environment and planning permit (omgevingsvergunning) or if you have to submit a notification. You can then use the Omgevingsloket to apply online for an environment and planning permit or submit a notification.

Building Quality Assurance Act (Wkb)

The Building Quality Assurance Act (Wet kwaliteitsborging voor het bouwen, Wkb) aims to improve construction quality. The Wkb will come into force in stages. As a result, an independent quality assurer will check if the construction meets the building requirements. The Dutch Civil Code has also been amended to increase the builder's liability for construction defects.

Spatial construction rules

The environment plan (formerly the zoning plan) of the municipality contains construction rules on the living environment. These are spatial construction rules on, for example:

  • the building’s maximum surface area
  • the building’s maximum height
  • the kind of activities you are allowed to do in the building

Often, you will need an environment and planning permit (omgevingsvergunning). Go to the online service counter Omgevingsloket (in Dutch) to check if you need this permit. If this is the case you can apply immediately.

Rules on demolition

Are you going to demolish or have demolition work done? Or are you having asbestos removed? If so, you must notify the municipality at least 4 weeks in advance. In addition to the notification obligation, there is a duty to provide information. You must notify the municipality well in advance of the start date and end date of the work. You can find more information in the Omgevingsloket.

Sometimes you do not have to report demolition, for example if you are removing a maximum of 10 m3 or removing a seasonal structure.

Check if you need an environment and planning permit and apply

Go to the online service counter Omgevingsloket (in Dutch) to check if you need an environment and planning permit (omgevingsvergunning). In the Omgevingsloket you can see which rules apply in your municipality, province, or regional water authority. You can then use the Omgevingsloket to apply online for an environment and planning permit or submit a notification.

Please note that rules from the General Municipal Bylaw (Algemene Plaatselijke Verordening, APV) may also be applicable.