Economic development with a regional perspective Regional Development Agencies were once set up to solve a region's economic disadvantages....
for regional development Do you plan to submit a proposal for Interreg?...
ROM Utrecht Region ROM Utrecht Region is the Regional Development Agency, or ROM, for the province of Utrecht....
Did you take out a Corona bridging loan (COL) with a regional development agency (Regionale Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij, ROM)?...
LIOF has its own grant instruments that it can use to accelerate, support and promote innovative developments....
The NOM is one of nine Regional Development Agencies in the Netherlands....
To find out more about a specific region of the Netherlands, contact one of the Regional Development Agencies (RDA) or ROMs....
SNN represents the Operational Programme North Netherlands (OP Noord) and implements EU subsidy programmes, such as the European Regional Development Fund...
You can request financing with Horizon Flevoland (in Dutch), the regional development agency for the province of Flevoland....
You can apply for a subsidy or loan from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) with OP Oost....