Choosing a business structure | Starting your business | Menu
Starting your business
- Checklists for starting a businessClosed menu item
- First steps for setting up your businessClosed menu item
- Choosing a business structureOpened menu item
- Registering your businessClosed menu item
- Communicate with the Dutch governmentClosed menu item
- Launching an innovative startupClosed menu item
- Starting as a self-employed professionalClosed menu item
- Various starting pointsClosed menu item
- Finding clients and projectsClosed menu item
- Taking over an existing businessClosed menu item
Choosing a business structure
- Which legal structure suits your company?
- Business structures in the Netherlands: overview
- Sole trader or sole proprietorship
- General partnership (vof)
- Professional partnership (maatschap)
- Limited partnership (cv)
- Private limited company (bv) in the Netherlands
- Public limited company (NV)
- Association
- Foundation
- Cooperative
- Legal personality
- Trust office foundation (STAK)
- The holding company
- Joint venture
- A guide to changing your business structure
- Converting your sole proprietorship to a bv
- Foreign entities and branches
- Using a foreign legal structure in the Netherlands
- What is an NGO and how do you start one?
- Legal forms and liability
- Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
- The EEIG
- The SCE
- The SE