Cadastral registration of property

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
< 1 min read
Nederlandse versie

When buying or selling registered property (real estate, utility grids, ships and aircraft) in the Netherlands, you are obliged to register the related notarial deeds in the cadastral system (Basisregistratie Kadaster, BRK).

Registration of real estate

When you buy or sell real estate, the (civil-law) notary will submit the purchase agreement and the deed of delivery (in Dutch). You will receive confirmation (Kennisgeving) from the Land Registry Office once the registration is completed.

Registration of grids

Above and below-ground utility grids such as gas, electrical, and telecommunication grids (in Dutch) should also be registered. A civil-law notary can register these with the Land Registry Office through a declaration (registerverklaring). The declaration consists of 3 elements:

  • A grid diagram, which you can order from the Land Registry Office (in Dutch)
  • A grid indicator, which the notary can request with the Land Registry Office (in Dutch)
  • A unique cadastral code (depotnummer) referring to the network diagram

Registration of ships

You may register ships to indicate ownership of the vessel with the Land Registry Office. You may also register ships that are under construction. Every registered ship receives a unique number called a stamp (brandmerk). Registration is mandatory for inland navigation vessels with a water displacement exceeding 10 m³ or a load capacity over 20 tonnes.

Registration of aircraft

Ownership of aeroplanes and helicopters (in Dutch) with a take-off weight of 450 kilogrammes or more may also be registered in the public registries of the Land Registry Office.

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