Dispensation from closing times for the catering industry
Do you own a catering establishment, such as a bar, café, or restaurant? You must keep to the opening and closing times for catering establishments (horeca) in your municipality. Do you want to open your catering establishment outside the regular opening hours? You can apply for dispensation to your municipal authority.
In some cases, you may also need a dispensation from noise regulations.
Applying for dispensation
You can only apply for dispensation if you have an operating permit for a catering establishment. Only the establishment’s owner can apply. Your municipality may impose other requirements as well, for example:
- Your establishment must be located in an area designated for entertainment use.
- You can prove your establishment does not have a negative effect on public order.
- You take measures to minimise nuisance.
Occasional dispensation
Do you want to open outside the regular opening hours only once, or incidentally? In some municipalities you must apply for an occasional dispensation (incidentele nachtontheffing). In other municipalities you only need to notify the municipal authority.
You may have to pay an administrative fee for a dispensation. The amount depends on the municipality. Contact your municipality for more information (in Dutch).
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