Electricity and gas grid management
Do you have multiple gas or electricity lines? In the Netherlands, in most cases, you are not allowed to be the grid manager of an electricity or gas grid yourself. Gas and electricity transport networks must be managed by designated grid administrators, such as TenneT and Liander. You must hand over your grid to the regional grid operator.
Do you want to operate your electricity or gas network yourself (in Dutch)? This is only allowed if you have a:
- grid management exemption: you have a closed distribution system (CDS, gesloten distributiesysteem GDS)
- direct line
Exemption from designated gas and electricity grid administrator
You can only operate your own grid if you have an exemption. You can apply for a grid management exemption (in Dutch) to the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (Autoriteit Consument en Markt, ACM). You must meet the conditions:
- Your grid lies within a geographically defined area.
- Your grid is not part of the national high-voltage grid or the national gas transport network.
- You are not a grid administrator or a member of a group company of grid managers.
- No more than 500 customers are connected to your grid.
- No household customers are connected to your grid.
- Your, or your customers’ business or production processes are integrated for safety or technical reasons. Or you use the grid mainly for yourself or for companies within the same holding company
Was the exemption granted? Then you are the owner of a closed distribution system (CDS) according to the law. The exemption is valid for 10 years.
Regulations for managing your own grid
You must keep to the regulations for an exemption (in Dutch), for example:
- Your customers must be able to choose their own energy supplier.
- You must communicate your rates and conditions to your customers in advance.
- You must ensure that the grid is safe and reliable.
Customers may ask the ACM to check if you calculate the rates properly.
Direct line
Do you supply electricity or gas, and do you have a direct connection with your consumer via your cable or pipeline? Then you have to find out whether it is a direct line. You should ask a lawyer for advice. You must report a direct line (in Dutch) to ACM. When you report, ACM does not assess whether your direct line is really a direct line according to the law. You may manage the line yourself and your business will be entered in the register of direct lines (in Dutch).
Do you want to be certain you do not have to transfer your grid to the regional grid operator? You should apply for an exemption (in Dutch).