Permit to collect used oil, hazardous small household waste, and ship's waste
Do you collect used oil, hazardous small household waste, or ship's waste in the Netherlands? Then you will need a waste collection permit from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat, IenW).
Applying for a waste collection permit
You can request a waste collection permit (Bia permit, in Dutch) from the Waste Management Department (Uitvoering Afvalbeheer) at the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport, ILT). To qualify for this permit, your business must meet certain requirements with regard to accounting and internal control procedures. These requirements are included in the National Waste Management Plan (LAP3). To find out what requirements your business must meet and for more information, contact the Waste Management Information desk (in Dutch).
You also need to submit a certificate of conduct for the person in charge of the waste collecting. You then will be added to the list of permit holders (in Dutch), which is publicly available.
Find an authorised waste collector
If you have a waste collection permit, you are on the list of licence holders. This list of licence holders is public.
Are you looking for an authorised collector of waste oil, small hazardous waste, or shipping waste? Then check the list of collectors (in Dutch) on ILT's website.
Online application procedure via Message Box
You can submit permit applications at the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate via Message Box. Message Box is a secure email system that enables entrepreneurs to exchange digital messages with Dutch government agencies.
In Message Box, for ILT please select Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.