In the Netherlands, all care institutions providing services according to the Long-term Care Act (Wet langdurige zorg, Wlz) or the Healthcare Insurance Act (Zorgverzekeringswet, ZVW), fall under the scope of the Care Sector Quality, Complaints and Disputes Act (Wet kwaliteit, klachten en geschillen zorg, Wkkgz).

Quality requirements

These care institutions must meet the following quality requirements:

  • You provide expert staff. Some care providers must therefore be listed in the BIG register as a healthcare professional.
  • You must check whether new employees have had measures taken against them or are subject to an order. You can for instance check Dutch-language Alert Register Care and Welfare (waarschuwingsregister Zorg & Welzijn). You can also ask for a Certificate of Conduct (VOG). If the disciplinary body has suspended a care provider or laid them off, they are registered in the Limitations of competence list.
  • You provide good quality care. The care is provided in a timely, safe and effective manner.
  • You draft a care plan together with the patient (in Dutch). In this plan you state agreements about the care and support that will be provided. You discuss this care plan with the patient at least once a year.
  • Your institution has a patients’ council.
  • Your institution has a complaints procedure and a complaints committee.
  • Each year before 1 June, your institution publishes a report in which you account for the previous year’s policy and the quality of health care.
  • Your employees have the means to notify incidents and to learn from these.

The CBIG, the administering body of the Ministry Health, Welfare and Sports, has created a checklist (in Dutch) with steps you need to take before you may register as a new care provider in the Dutch Business Register.

Applying for a Wtza authorisation

Do you want to provide services in the care sector? You may need to apply for a Wtza authorisation (in Dutch). The Wtza authorisation replaces the WTZi authorisation.

Wtza authorisation is required for:

  • Care providers who provide specialised medical care
  • Care providers who provide medical care, under the Healthcare Insurance Act (Zorgverzekeringswet) or the Long-term Care Act (Wet langdurige zorg, Wlz), with more than 10 medical staff members

You must meet the quality requirements of the Care providers (accreditation) Act (Wet toetreding zorgaanbieders, Wtza).

With CBIGs Dutch-language check you can easily find out if you need this authorisation.

Registration requirement

New and existing health and youth care providers must report to the CIBG (in Dutch). This applies if you provide care that falls under the Healthcare Quality, Complaints and Disputes Act (Wet kwaliteit, klachten en geschillen gezondheidszorg, Wkkgz):

  • care under the Healthcare Insurance Act (Zorgverzekeringswet, Zvw), also if it is paid via a personal care budget (persoonsgebonden budget, pgb)
  • long-term Care Act (Wet langdurige zorg, Wlz), also if it is paid via pgb
  • other forms of care such as alternative medicine, and care not aimed at health such as cosmetic care
  • private care

This applies to self-employed professionals and institutions, main contractors and subcontractors. You can check with CIBG if you need to report (in Dutch).

The CIBG will send your registration to the Dutch Health and Youth Care Inspectorate (Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd, IGZ). This enables the inspectorate to better monitor the quality of the care provided.

You can read more information on the duty to report at Accession of care providers (Toetreding zorgaanbieders) (in Dutch).

Notification of emergencies at care institutions

Care institutions are required to report emergencies, violence or dismissals on capability grounds (in Dutch) to the Dutch Health and Youth Care Inspectorate. This requirement applies not only to institutions offering inpatient care, but also to GP practices and home care organisations, for example.

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