Supplying gas or electricity to low-volume users

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO

Do you want to supply gas or electricity to low-volume (small) users? You have to follow the rules that apply to the energy market. The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) checks if you keep to these rules.

Low-volume users are private and commercial customers who have:

  • an electricity connection of maximum 3 x 80A (ampere)
  • a gas connection with a maximum capacity of 40 m3(n) an hour

Energy licence for supply to low-volume users

You are only allowed to supply gas or electricity to low-volume users if:

  • you have an energy licence. You can apply for this licence to the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM, in Dutch)


  • you work with a supplier who has an energy licence. In this case, you are a reseller (in Dutch)

There are a few situations in which you do not need an energy licence (in Dutch).

Rules for supplying energy

To get and keep an energy licence, you must follow the rules for supplying electricity and gas (in Dutch).

For example, you must:

  • delivery energy in a reliable way (your organisation, finances, and technical facilities are in order)
  • keep to the rules on security of supply (in Dutch)
  • supply gas and electricity to anyone who requests it (duty to supply)
  • supply energy at reasonable rates (in Dutch)
  • follow the rules for consumer sales
  • offer your customers at least a model contract (in Dutch) with non-fixed rates and an open-ended contract duration

Before granting the energy licence, ACM will also check if you are prepared for:

  • price fluctuations in the energy market
  • a sudden increase in demand for energy
  • non-payment of customers

If you can no longer guarantee reliable energy supply, the ACM can revoke your licence.

Reporting changes

Do you have an energy licence? You must report any changes to the ACM (in Dutch). You must report on the following:

  • changes in your rates (every year, 4 weeks before the change takes place to ACM. A minimum of 30 days before the change to your customers)
  • changes in your terms and conditions, or new terms and conditions
  • changes within the company (organisational, financial, or technical)

Cancellation fees

Have you agreed on a fixed-term and fixed-rate contract with a business customer and do they want to cancel it before it ends? Then you may charge a termination penalty (in Dutch). If the fixed-term contract entered into effect after 1 June 2023, you may charge the customer a termination penalty that is equal to the loss caused by the early termination.

Rules for resellers

Do you want to sell energy, but do you not have an energy licence yourself? If you collaborate with someone who does have an energy licence, you are a reseller. You must follow the rules for resale of energy (in Dutch). These rules concern customer acquisition, contracts, billing, and handling of complaints.

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