Do you have a vehicle registered in your name in the Netherlands? Do you buy or import a car? You will need a vehicle registration card. You should always have your registration card with you when you are driving.

What is a vehicle registration card?

A vehicle registration card is a plastic card with a chip that contains information on the vehicle and its owner. Since 2014, the Netherlands Vehicle Authority (RDW) issues the vehicle registration card instead of the paper vehicle registration certificate. You should always have the registration card with you when driving.

Paper vehicle registration certificate

Do you have a paper certificate issued before 1 January 2014? It is still a valid registration certificate. The paper vehicle registration certificate consists of 3 parts:

  • Part IA: the vehicle registration (voertuigbewijs) with data on the vehicle
  • Part IB: the owner registration (tenaamstellingsbewijs) with information on the owner of the vehicle (the registration holder)
  • Part II: the transfer certificate (overschijvingsbewijs) which is needed when transferring the registration certificate.

You should always carry Part IA, the vehicle registration (voertuigbewijs), and part IB, the owner registration (tenaamstellingsbewijs), with you when you are driving You must keep Part II, the transfer certificate (overschijvingsbewijs), at home.

When do you get a vehicle registration card?

You will receive a vehicle registration card if you:

  • buy a new vehicle
  • buy a secondhand vehicle. You should register the vehicle to your name, then you will receive a vehicle registration card
  • import a vehicle. You have to apply for a Dutch registration card first
  • need to replace the paper certificate for any reason
  • want to exchange the paper certificate for a registration card

In December 2018, the RDW began the obligatory conversion of registration certificates into registration cards.

Owner registration code

Your vehicle registration card is connected to an owner registration code (tenaamstellingscode). The registration code consists of 9 digits. You will receive the first 4 digits when you register the vehicle in your name. The last 5 will follow with your registration card. You can use the owner registration code for:

Transferring registration

Do you sell a new vehicle, or a vehicle from your company's stock? Then you need to have the registration number transferred to the new owner's name. You can transfer the registration number to a company name or you can transfer the registration number to a person's name.

Dealer vehicle registration

Do you have a business that sells vehicles, or modifies or repairs vehicles on behalf of others? You may only drive on public roads with a vehicle from your business stock if you have a dealer registration certificate. You can apply for a dealer vehicle registration (green number plate) to the RDW (in Dutch).

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