Checklist for starting a private security firm

Published by:
Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK
Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK
Netherlands Enterprise Agency RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency RVO
Statistics Netherlands, CBS
Statistics Netherlands, CBS

If you want to start a security firm in the Netherlands, you must contend with various government rules and regulations. You can use this checklist to quickly determine which obligations you must fulfil.

This checklist serves merely as a guideline. You may need to fulfil other obligations as well.

1. Check whether you can stay in the Netherlands

Entrepreneurs who intend to stay in the Netherlands must fulfil a number of conditions. You will sometimes also require a residence permit. Our interactive tool Coming to the Netherlands as an entrepreneur can help you find out quickly if this is true for you, and tell you what other obligations you have to fulfil.

If you plan to start doing business in the Netherlands, you will also need to have or apply for a business bank account (IBAN). The Dutch Banking Association has created a Quick Scan to help you find out if you are eligible. Read how it works.

2. Apply for a private security firm licence

You need a licence to establish a private security firm. Managers of a security firm also need separate ministerial consent.

3. Apply for special proof of identity for your employees

Your employees must carry special proof of identity. You can submit an application for this proof of identity to the police force in the police district where your firm or agency is located.

4. Apply for approval of your uniforms

All employees that carry out security activities are required to wear a uniform that has been approved by the Minister of Security and Justice. Your uniform must bear the prescribed 'V' emblem.

5. You must adhere to the code of conduct

You must adhere to the Privacy Code of Conduct for detective agencies. The code of conduct explains how you should conduct research and how you should handle the personal data (privacy) of the people you are researching.

6. Comply with the collective labour agreement (CAO) for private security firms

You are required to comply with the collective labour agreement for private security firms. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment has declared this CAO universally binding for your sector.

7. Register with the Dutch Business Register and Dutch Tax Administration

New businesses must register with the Dutch Business Register at the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (KVK). The KVK will pass on your details to the Netherlands Tax Administration, who will issue you with a VAT identification number, to use for correspondence and invoices to your customers, and a VAT number, to use for your dealings with the Tax Administration. You will receive these numbers from the Tax Administration by post. Private limited companies and public limited companies have to register via a civil-law notary, who will take care of the registration at the Dutch Tax Administration on your behalf. If you do business in the Netherlands, but your company is not permanently established in the Netherlands, you may only need to register with the Dutch Tax Administration.

8. Prevent false self-employment

You must prevent false self-employment. Check with contractors whether they will be working as employees or as self-employed professionals.

Statistics: enterprise births private security

Number of enterprise births private security.

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