Employment agencies must help migrant workers with BRP registration

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Effective date: not yet known

What changes?

Do you run a temporary employment agency? If so, you will have extra duties. You will have to help migrant workers you employ to register properly in the Personal Records Database (Basisregistratie personen, BRP). Currently migrant workers must do so themselves, but this often goes wrong. In future you will have to provide them with correct information in their native language, for example. You must also check whether the registration was successful.

This applies if the migrant workers will stay in the Netherlands for more than 4 months and they must register as residents. If they stay for a shorter period, they must register in the Non-residents Records Database (RNI). This way municipal authorities and other government organisations will have a better idea of where migrant workers are staying. If this is unclear, a migrant worker can face various problems, such as not having insurance if they lose their job.

Migrant workers will still be responsible for a proper registration in the BRP, but the employment agency will have the duty to support them.

For whom?

  • temporary employment agencies that deploy migrant workers
  • employers of migrant workers


It is not yet known when this change in the Placement of Personnel by Intermediaries Act (Wet allocatie arbeidskrachten door intermediairs, Waadi) will take effect.

Please note: The effective date of this measure is not yet final. Entry into force is subject to its passing through the Lower and Upper Houses (Tweede en Eerste Kamer) of parliament. After publication in the Staatsblad or Staatscourant (Government Gazette, in Dutch) the law can take effect.

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