Start-up loan for cultural enterprises

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO

Do you have an enterprise in the cultural sector? And do you need funding for new projects, programmes, productions, or products? You may be eligible for the Start-up loan for cultural enterprises (Cultuur Opstart Lening).

What is the Start-up loan for cultural enterprises?

The Start-up loan for cultural enterprises (in Dutch) by the Foundation for Culture+Entrepreneurship is meant for cultural organisations and creative enterprises that have missed out on income as a result of crises. Do you for instance need funding as a festival organiser to prepare for the coming season? Or are you a museum looking for funds to organise a new exhibition? With this loan you can continue your organisation’s activities.

This loan is part of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science’s (OCW) financial support measures for the cultural and creative sector (in Dutch).

Who can apply?

You can apply for the loan for your cultural or creative organisation. For example, if you own a bookstore, museum or (art) gallery. You must fulfil the conditions, such as:

  • Your organisation generates at least 50% of its income from its own revenues.
  • Your organisation is established in the Netherlands.
  • You use the loan to develop new products, productions, programmes of projects. You cannot use the loan to repay debts.
  • You use the loan for purposes fitting your organisation.
  • You do not make use of any other corona support for the cultural sector from the Ministry Education, Culture and Science (OCW).

How to apply?

You can apply for the start-up loan for cultural enterprises to the Foundation for Culture+Entrepreneurship.