Rules for Dutch inland navigation
Do you sail vessels on Dutch inland waterways? Then you must comply with the Inland Shipping Act.
Find out more or arrange now
at your municipality, province, or water authority
Do you sail the Dutch inland waterways commercially as a skipper of a pleasure boat, passenger ship, or cargo ship? Then you and your crew must comply with the Dutch Inland Shipping Act.
The Inland Shipping Act (in Dutch) contains requirements for, among others:
- the reliability, interior, and equipment of a vessel
- the (crew's) working conditions
- the skipper's professional competence and physical condition
Various bodies, such as the police and the Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat, RWS), check if you keep to the Inland Shipping Act.
Required documents for Dutch inland navigation
Union certificate of qualification as a boatmaster (EU kwalificatiecertificaat schipper)
You must have a Union certificate of qualification as a boatmaster if you sail on inland waterways. The Union certificate of qualification as a boatmaster replaces the (conditional) large licence (Beperkt Groot Vaarbewijs), and the Large Licence (Groot Vaarbewijs) Type B (rivers, canals, and lakes).
Certificate of inspection or inland navigation certificate
In many cases, you need a certificate of inspection or an inland navigation certificate for your vessel (in Dutch). This states that your ship meets all technical requirements. You can request certificates for inland navigation vessels from classification societies or inspection authorities.
Apply for a Rhine declaration
Are you the (co-)owner or operator of an inland vessel? Then you usually need a Rhine declaration. This allows you to sail on almost all inland waters of the EU member states and Switzerland. You can apply for the Rhine declaration to Kiwa Register (in Dutch).
EU certificate of qualification
At least one person within your business must have an EU certificate of qualification for inland shipping. This proof is compulsory for commercial inland shipping. You can apply for an EU certificate of qualification for inland shipping to Kiwa Register (in Dutch). For information on the required documentation contact Kiwa Register.
Tonnage certificate
In some situations, a tonnage certificate is mandatory. You can request a tonnage certificate from ILT (in Dutch).
Inland shipping crew
Do you, as a shipowner or bargeman, have a crew (in Dutch)? The Inland Shipping Act contains rules about the:
- expertise of the crew
- composition of the crew
- rest times of the crew
Service book and logbook
Crews can demonstrate their competence with a service booklet (in Dutch). You must record the working hours of your crew. You can keep track of this in a sailing logbook. All vessels must have a sailing logbook, except ferries.
Special transport exemption for provincial waterways
Do you plan a special transport on a canal or river? Or will you be sailing a boat of unusual dimensions? Then you must apply for an exemption from the province (in Dutch).
Transporting hazardous substances
Do you transport hazardous substances on Dutch inland waterways? Then you must comply with the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN). The ADN is updated every 2 years.
If you transport dangerous goods, you must be in possession of certain documents. Sometimes you have to report to the first IVS station on your route.
Are you unable to meet the requirements for transporting dangerous goods? In some cases, you can apply for an exemption for transport of dangerous goods by inland waterways to the ILT (in Dutch).
No degassing while sailing
Inland tankers sometimes release harmful fumes from cargo residues into the open air while sailing. This is how they clean the cargo space and pipes. It is prohibited to release certain harmful fumes while sailing.
This article is related to:
Related articles
- Union certificate of qualification as a boatmaster (large licence)
- Seafarer certificates and seaman's book
- Safety requirements for pleasure craft
- Use of a marine radio telephone
- Working hours and rest times
- Ships safety (ship Act)
- Subsidy to encourage switch from road to water or railway transport (Modal Shift)
- Subsidy scheme sustainability of inland vessels (SRVB)
External links
- Which licence do I need? (Central Office for Motor Vehicle Driving Testing, CBR, in Dutch)
- EU Directive on the recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation, Annex I (Minimum requirements for age, administrative compliance, competence and navigation time)
- Inland shipping (the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate, ILT)
- Requirements for inland vessels (the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate, ILT, in Dutch)