Rules and regulations for your sector
In the Netherlands, a Certificate of conduct (Verklaring omtrent het gedrag, VOG) indicates that the recipient has not committed any criminal offences. You can apply for a VOG digitally. For some jobs...
If you are an entrepreneur in the childcare sector in the Netherlands, you must comply with the Childcare Provisions Act Regulations (Regeling Wet Kinderopvang). As the owner of a childcare centre or...
If you run a childcare centre, you must have a (paid) pedagogical policy officer for a mandatory number of hours. You can choose to have 2 people do the work of the pedagogical policy officer. The...
You do not need a separate diploma or a permit to work in the Netherlands or to establish a business in the Netherlands. However, for certain professions you need to meet specific professional...
Do you work in the childcare sector? You have to be registered in the Register for persons active in the childcare sector (Personenregister kinderopvang, PRK). You also have to register if you are...
Are you a childminder (gastouder)? A childminder is responsible for looking after children in a family situation. Either in the childrens' home or in the childminder's own home. In the Netherlands,...
Do you work as a childcare mediator (bemiddelingsmedewerker) for a childminding agency? You have to meet the qualification requirements for childcare mediators. These requirements have been set up in...
Do you have a childcare organisation? Then you must keep to the three-hour rule (drie-uursregeling). This rule allows you to deviate from the professional childcarer-child ratio (beroepskracht-kind...
Do you have a business in the Netherlands? And employ staff? You must verify their identity before they start working for you. You are required to know if your staff is allowed to work for you. And...
Do you want to work with volunteers in your organisation? You must comply with specific rules around fees and contracts for volunteers. If you fail to do so, the Netherlands Tax Administration...