Checklist for starting a food truck business

Published by:
Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK
Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK
Statistics Netherlands, CBS
Statistics Netherlands, CBS

You want to start your own food truck and sell street food, or participate in festivals. What rules apply to you and what permits do you need? And how will you finance your food truck? Here you can read what steps to take when starting a food truck.

1. Residence in the Netherlands

If you are from outside the European Economic Area or Switzerland, you may need to apply for a residence permit before you come to the Netherlands and start your food truck business. Or, if you plan to come here for a short period, you may need a short-stay visa. Find out which permits you need using our interactive guide Coming to the Netherlands as an entrepreneur.

2. Bank account

If you plan to start doing business in the Netherlands, you will also need to have or apply for a Dutch (business) bank account. You can opt for a private or business account. Find out how to open a bank account in the Netherlands.

3. Register at the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK

You have to register your food truck in the KVK Business Register. KVK will pass on your details to the Netherlands Tax Administration (Belastingdienst). Within 2 weeks you will receive your VAT identification number and VAT number from the Tax Administration by post.

4. Arrange your permits

Which permits you need may vary from one municipality to another. Each place of business has different rules, because each municipality decides for itself which regulations apply. Therefore, contact your municipality to find out exactly what permits you need for your food truck.

Permits and licences that you may have to deal with are:

In the Netherlands, if you want to trade from a stall or a van, on or along a public road or public space, you need a market trader's licence (standplaatsvergunning). You can obtain this licence from the municipal authorities.

Do you want to park you foodtruck on the market and sell your food? Then you need a market permit from the municipality.

Do you play music to your customers? Then you need permission from the creators. You arrange this by applying for a licence from Buma/Stemra and paying a fee.

Do you want to serve alcohol at an event? You must apply for a dispensation from the Licensing and Catering Act (Alcoholwet).

In the Netherlands, you may only serve alcohol to young people aged 18 or over. It is prohibited to serve alcohol to youths under the age of 18 or to them through persons who are aged 18 years or older (proxy sales). You must ask young people for proof of identity to check their age.

Apply for your licence on time

The application process for your licence may take up to 8-12 weeks. So, always make sure that you apply ahead of time.

5. Follow an approved hygiene code

You must work according to an approved hygiene code. This is how you meet the HACCP requirements for food safety. A hygiene code sets out how you monitor food safety and hygiene. The Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (Nederlandse Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit, NVWA) checks if you are working safely and hygienically. Order an approved HACCP code from the Dutch sector organisation for the hospitality industry, Koninklijke Horeca Nederland (KHN).

With a food truck, you will have to deal with legal requirements that you must adhere to:

Since 1 January 2024, you cannot give your customers free disposable plastic cups and meal containers. Customers will have to pay for cups and trays. Or you must offer a reusable alternative. Check the rules for using disposable plastic.

Different rules apply for an open event (e.g. a fair) than for a closed event (such as a concert or sporting event in a stadium). Use the Disposable Plastic rule guide (in Dutch) to find out which rules apply in your situation.

Are you operating your food truck in an inner city and does your food truck run on petrol, diesel or LPG? Check whether your vehicle is still allowed to enter certain inner cities from 1 January 2025. This depends on the emission class of your food truck. Do the license plate check (in Dutch) and find out if your food truck is allowed to enter a zero emission zone.

Do you have an electric food truck? The government wants you to soon be allowed to drive heavier electric vehicles with your B driving licence. The condition is that you must have had your B driving licence for more than 2 years. The rules and effective date are not yet final.

7. Pay income tax and VAT

You must file tax returns on your income. You must also pay VAT. If you have a small turnover (maximum €20,000 per calendar year) you may be eligible for the small businesses scheme (KOR). You must meet the conditions. As a starter, you may also be eligible for the tax relief for new companies (startersaftrek) on top of the regular private business ownership allowance (zelfstandigenaftrek). You can benefit from the starter's tax relief at most 3 times in your first 5 years as an entrepreneur. Conditions also apply to this. For example, you must spend a minimum of 1,225 hours each year on your food truck business.

8. Keep your business records in order

You are required to keep records of your income and expenses. Make sure that you include the right data in your records, such as how much tax you need to pay or how much VAT you may redeem.

9. Arrange insurance

Starting your own business is not without risks. It is not mandatory, but you would be wise to insure your food truck and inventory. The risk of fire in a food truck is relatively high. Food trucks are also vulnerable to damage from burglary or storms. Learn what risks you can insure your business for.

10. Hiring staff

Are you taking on staff for the first time? Immediately register as an employer with the Netherlands Tax Administration. Also report to KVK. Agree on the terms of employment with your staff and lay them down in an employment agreement. Check what you need to arrange if you are hiring staff for the first time.

Number of restaurants and mobile food serving services

The graph shows the number of restaurants and mobile food serving services, such as food trucks, that have started each quarter. On average the 3rd quarter shows the highest number of businesses that have started.

Questions relating to this article?

Please contact the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK