Rules and regulations for all entrepreneurs
Are you an entrepreneur in the Netherlands? And are you in a dispute with another entrepreneur, a consumer, a current or former employee or tenant? You have the option of taking the dispute to court....
Does your company in the Netherlands show television or film images to employees or visitors? You require a licence. Producers of footage own the copyright on their television programmes, videos, and...
Is your business a major player in your sector? You may hold a dominant position. The Dutch Competition Act (Mededingingswet) prohibits companies from abusing a dominant position. If a company does...
In the Netherlands, cartels are illegal. This is specified in the Dutch Competition Act (Mededingingswet). A cartel agreement is an agreement between competitors with the intention of hindering or...
In the Netherlands you can use a certificate of conduct for legal entities (Verklaring omtrent het gedrag rechtspersonen, VOG RP, in Dutch) to demonstrate to government agencies, partners, and other...
Are you a financial service provider or do you own an investment firm in the Netherlands? For example, a bank, insurance company, (money) exchange organisation, pension fund, trust office, crypto...
Are you no longer able to pay your debts? Then you can apply for debt restructuring. There are 2 types of debt restructuring: voluntary debt restructuring (Minnelijke schuldregeling natuurlijke...
Does your company offer an intermediary online service, such as an online platform, online marketplace, or social media network? Then your service must comply with the rules of the European Digital...
Do you practise an independent profession? You must observe the rules of conduct and the rules of professional practice that apply to your profession. Is your client dissatisfied? They can file a...
Are you temporarily unable to pay your debts? You can ask the court to grant you deferral (suspension) of payment (surseance van betaling). Suspensions are granted for 18 months. Suspension of payment...
If you commit a criminal offence in the Netherlands, a minimum fine of €3 and a maximum fine of €900,000 may be imposed. There are several categories of criminal offences. The category determines the...
Do you run a business in the Netherlands? Dutch government inspectors may visit your company for an inspection. You may receive inspections from government agencies such as the Netherlands Labour...
Do you have a legal problem, dispute, or conflict with an entrepreneur or consumer? And are you unable to reach a mutually agreed settlement? You can call in specialist help. In the Netherlands you...
Are you an entrepreneur in the Netherlands and do you have a dispute with another entrepreneur, a consumer, a current or former employee or a current or former tenant? You have the option of taking...
When can you object? You can file an objection if: you disagree with a decision on your application (for example if your licence application has been rejected) you disagree with a decision on someone...
When you own a business in the Netherlands and you are no longer able to pay off your debts, you can petition the court (in Dutch) to be declared bankrupt. Before you take this step, you may consider...
If you are a manufacturer, you are liable for any damage caused by faults in your products. This is known as product liability. Products should be safe and usable before they are allowed onto the...
Does your business have trade secrets? You may if you develop innovative products or services and want to prevent others from copying your products or processes. It is important that your business...
Governments such as provinces or municipalities may want to investigate your or your company's background. They can for instance perform a background check when: you request a permit or subsidy you...
Did you buy an item in another EU country, but did your supplier not deliver as agreed? Then you may get your money back. For amounts up to €5,000, you can make use of 1 of the following procedures:...
You must keep records of the amount of water you extract or infiltrate. For infiltration you also have to measure and report the water quality.
Are you a financial service provider or an entrepreneur involved in cross-border (financial) contstructions? You have to report cross-border constructions in which you are a party and which may be...
Do you use published information (in print or online) in your company? For instance, hard or electronic copies of copyrighted works such as pictures or texts from: magazines, specialist or trade...
The government is required to actively disclose information under the Open Government Act (Wet open Overheid, WOO). This means that the government must make public information accessible to everyone....
Do you wish to use a sustainability claim to make known your product or service is sustainable? For instance, by stating on the packaging that you use renewable materials, or that the packaging is...
Do you want to start or take over a sex business in the Netherlands? Then you need a permit from the municipality. If you apply for a permit for a sex business, in general this is an operating licence...
Companies and legal entities must register 1 or more UBOs. UBOs (Ultimate Beneficial Owners) are the owners or the persons who are in charge of a company. The UBO register helps to prevent financial...
Do you sell goods or provide services to consumers in the Netherlands? You must act fairly. You should give your customer enough information and time to decide to buy a product or service. You are not...
Does a customer not pay or not pay on time, even after you have tried to get payment in various ways? You may need to use debt collection agencies and bailiffs. You can get legal assistance for this....