Rules and regulations for your sector
Do you run a childcare centre? Then you need to allocate a mentor (in Dutch) to each child. You must inform the parents who their child’s mentor is. What is a mentor? The mentor is a pedagogic member...
A childminder (gastouder) is responsible for looking after children in a family situation. In the Netherlands, a childminder may offer childcare at their home address or at the child's own home. A...
In the Netherlands, childcare is provided in childcare centres and out-of-school care facilities. The children are organised into either core childcare groups (at childcare centres or dagopvang) or...
Do you run a childcare centre? Then you need to make sure your children’s groups meet the familiar-face criterion. This means that each child sees at least one familiar face in their group during the...
If you are an entrepreneur in the childcare sector in the Netherlands, you must comply with the Childcare Provisions Act Regulations (Regeling Wet Kinderopvang). As the owner of a childcare centre or...
Do you run a childcare facility in the Netherlands? For instance a childcare centre, childminding agency, or playgroup? The Municipal Health Service (Gemeentelijke Gezondheidsdienst, GGD) will check...
If you run a childcare centre, you must have a (paid) pedagogical policy officer for a mandatory number of hours. You can choose to have 2 people do the work of the pedagogical policy officer. The...
Every childcare organisation (childcare centre, childminding agency and playgroup) in the Netherlands must have a pedagogical policy plan. In this plan you set out your views on how to interact with...
Do you run a childcare organisation in the Netherlands? You must make sure the mandatory number of professional caregivers (Beroepskracht-kind ratio, BKR) is present per group of children. You can...
Do you work in the childcare sector? You have to be registered in the Register for persons active in the childcare sector (Personenregister kinderopvang, PRK). You also have to register if you are...
Do you operate a childcare organisation (such as a childcare centre, playgroup or childminding agency) or healthcare organisation? You must be affiliated to an independent disputes committee. Rules...
You must submit an application for this registration at least 10 weeks before opening your business. You can only start childcare once your organisation is registered in the LRK. What is the register...
Do you have a childcare centre or a childminding agency in the Netherlands? You must have a parents' committee. A parent’s committee is made up of a number of parents who represent all parents of...
If you transport children to or from your childcare location, you need to do so safely. As the owner of a childcare organisation you are responsible for the safety of the children. The Dutch law does...