A childminder is responsible for looking after children in a family situation. In the Netherlands, childminders must be registered with a childminding agency.

This checklist sets out the rules that apply to all childminding agencies. Other regulations may also apply, for example municipal rules. Or your municipality may ask you to take the steps in a different order than listed here. You can work on several steps at once.

1. Check whether you fulfil the conditions for staying in the Netherlands

Entrepreneurs who intend to stay in the Netherlands must fulfil a number of conditions. You will sometimes also require a residence permit. Our interactive tool Coming to the Netherlands as an entrepreneur can help you find out quickly if this is true for you, and tell you what other obligations you have to fulfil.

If you plan to start doing business in the Netherlands, you will also need to have or apply for a business bank account (international bank account number, IBAN). The Dutch Banking Association has created a Quick Scan to help you find out if you are eligible. Read how it works.

2. Inspect the environment plan for your business location

When you choose a location for your childminding agency, check the municipal environment plan (omgevingsplan) to see if it is allowed. You can view the environment plan via ‘Regels op de kaart’ (rules on the map, in Dutch) of the online service counter Omgevingsloket. Does it not fit in the environment plan? Then you can ask for a change or for an environment and planning permit via the online service counter Omgevingsloket (in Dutch).

Use the Omgevingsloket permit check (in Dutch) to check whether you need any permits for your planned activities. Also ask your municipality if there are any other regulations your childcare agency must comply with.

If you want to start your agency at home, check the conditions set by your municipality. You can also find these in the Omgevingsloket . Also check the conditions in your lease or mortgage agreement.

3. Apply for a certificate of good conduct

The agency’s proprietor / holder and any directors or childminders must have a certificate of good conduct (Verklaring omtrent het gedrag, VOG) with screening profile 84 (caring for minors) or 86 (employed in childcare). You require a VOG for the registration of your childminding agency in the National Childcare Register (LRK) and to register in the Persons active in the childcare sector (Personenregister kinderopvang, PRK) .

4. Draw up a pedagogical policy plan

You need to draw up a pedagogical policy plan for your childminding agency. You enclose the policy plan with your application for registration in the National Childcare Register (LRK). In this plan, you describe the pedagogical vision of the care. For example, you write how guest parents help children in their development.

5. Ensure registration in the Register for persons active in the childcare sector (PRK)

Anyone working or living at a place where children are cared for must register in the Persons active in the childcare sector (PRK). These persons are checked regularly. For example, for criminal offences.

6. Register your agency, childminders and locations with the National Childcare Register (LRK)

At least 10 weeks before the start of your childminding agency you must apply for registration in the National Childcare Register (LRK) with the municipal authorities. Parents can only receive childcare benefits if your agency is registered in the LRK. You must also register the child minders and the childcare locations. For this, you must submit a separate application.

7. Register with KVK and the Netherlands Tax Administration

If you start or take over a childminding agency, you will need to register with the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (KVK) in the Dutch Business Register. You pay a registration fee. KVK will pass on your details to the Netherlands Tax Administration (Belastingdienst).

Your childminding agency's activities may be exempt from VAT. This means that you do not have to charge and remit VAT to Tax Administration. Whether your business activities are exempt depends on a number of conditions (in Dutch). Among others, whether the care you provide is exempt from VAT.

8. Make sure the childminding locations comply with furnishings and fittings requirements

The childminding locations registered to your agency must comply with furnishing requirements. Children must be able to play and rest safely. Check the requirements for childminding locations.

9. Draw up a Risk Assessment & Evaluation

Together with the childminders, you must draw up a risk inventory and evaluation (RI&E) to monitor safety and quality at the childcare locations. The RI&E must always be up to date. If there are any changes at the childcare centre, for example, after a renovation, you must draw up a new RI&E.

10. Hire qualified staff

The owner of a childminding agency doesn't need specific training, but your childminders and childcare mediators must satisfy a number of qualification requirements. They must also have a Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG).

Recognition of your foreign qualifications

There are several qualifications that entitle you to work as a childminder, but they all refer to Dutch trainings. You can find a list (in Dutch) here (article 10). If you are an EU resident, you can apply for recognition of your foreign qualification, see Professional qualifications.

11. Join the Childcare Disputes Committee

You have to join the Childcare Disputes Committee. This is an organisation that assesses complaints from parents and carers. You register here for all your locations. Inform parents and the parents' committee that you have registered with the Disputes Committee.

12. Draw up a protocol for responding to child abuse

You must draw up a protocol in which you specify in 5 steps how you and your staff will respond to suspected instances of child abuse.

13. Draw up regulations for the parents’ committee

You need to have a parents’ committee for your childminding agency. Also make regulations for the parent committee. In it you describe the rules for the members. You must have the parents’ committee regulations ready within 6 months of applying for inclusion in the National Childcare Register (LRK). You do not have to have a parents’ committee if you can prove you have made an effort to put one together and if no more than 50 childminders are associated with your agency.

14. Keep records

As the owner of a childminding agency, you have to keep business records. Among other things, you keep a list of all the childminders associated with your agency, and the children who are registered. You must also keep a financial administration. Check the requirements for your administration.

Questions relating to this article?

Please contact the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO