Rules and regulations for your sector
Do you use breeding techniques on your farm to inseminate animals or assess fertility? This means, you apply breeding techniques to animals. You usually have to apply for recognition or registration...
Do you want to gather animals from various holdings? Forf instance temporarily to an assembly centre, for exhibition purposes at fairs, markets, or exhibitions? You must keep to the regulations on...
Do you keep animals in the Netherlands? If so, you are responsible for their health and welfare. You have to comply with health and welfare regulations from the Animals Act, which can differ according...
Do you work with genetically modified organisms (GMO) in the Netherlands, or do you want to market a GMO? You need to apply for a GMO permit ( GGO-vergunning ). For experiments with GMOs you need a...
Do you have a dairy company in the Netherlands? Your dairy company must be approved or registered with the Dutch supervisory authority in the field of dairy, poultry, and eggs (stichting Controle...
In the Netherlands physical interventions on animals (to remove or damage parts of an animal) are not allowed. For example, removing ears or a tail. Only veterinarians may perform physical...
What is CITES? CITES stands for Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. The rules under this convention ensure that endangered animals and plants do not become...
Do you keep livestockin the Netherlands? You must do everything possible to prevent animal disease outbreaks. If you keep, among others, livestock, mink, bees, or aquaculture and aquatic animals, you...
Do you keep livestock or pet animals professionally in the Netherlands? Then you must comply with the regulations regarding identification and registration (I&R) of animals. You are not allowed to...
Do you import living animals or animal products into the European Union? At Import Veterinary Online (in Dutch) of the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (Nederlandse Voedsel en...
If you want to kill or slaughter animals, strict regulations apply to all actions. You must have proof of your expertise and you must apply for recognition for your slaughterhouse. You must ensure...
The information in this article may change after 1 January 2024 Some of the information on this page may change after the Environment and Planning Act comes into effect on 1 January 2024. It will be...
Do you plan to export agricultural goods from the Netherlands to non-EU countries? You will need a veterinary or phytosanitary export certificate. What is an export certificate? The export certificate...
Do you make, process, or transport food or feed? Or do you store foodstuffs? You must register all of your branches in the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority’s (NVWA) register....
Are you a dog breeder or dog importer? You can only sell or transfer ownership of a dog if it is registered in the Identification and Registration system for dogs (I&R Hond). This I&R helps to prevent...
Do you own agricultural and/or construction vehicles? You must register these vehicles with the Netherlands Vehicle Authority (RDW). Registration requirement for (agricultural) construction vehicles...
For which animals do you need permission to shelter You need permission to shelter: protected native animal species: protected animals that occur naturally in the Netherlands, such as hedgehogs, deer,...
Do you transport live (vertebrate) animals (in Dutch)? You need a carrier’s license and the required certifications. Your vehicle must also meet certain requirements. These regulations apply to...
Do you want to keep wild animals and show them to the public in the Netherlands? You must ensure good care and housing for the animals. You will need a licence to run a zoo. You apply for a zoo...
Do you run a breeding operation or a breed society? You must be able to prove that your animals are purebred (pedigree) and that they are in a pedigree book. This proof is called a zootechnical...