Procedures covered by Message Box
Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
3 min read
The Dutch government has created Message Box specifically for the purposes of the Services Act of the European Union. Message Box is available for all procedures that are covered by the Services Act. These procedures are listed in the Dutch ministerial regulation on the scope of the Services Act (Regeling indicatieve vaststelling reikwijdte Dienstenwet). You will find these procedures below. There are general procedures concerning all companies and procedures for specific sectors.
Procedures for all companies
Starting your business
- Registration in Business Register and Tax Administration
Business premises
- Notification of occupancy (fire safety)
- Excavation permit (OW)
Procedures for specific sectors
Animal testing and biotechnology
Cattle farms and veterinary medicine
Childcare centres
Construction companies
- Water permit (OW)
Culture and entertainment
- Event licence (OW)
- Flea market permit (OW)
Electricity and gas companies
Food companies
Hospitality, recreation and catering companies
- Licence under the Licensing and Catering Act
- Terrace permit (OW)
Inspection bodies and laboratories
Interpreters and translators
Mining companies
Personal care
Private security and detective agencies
Real estate
Retail trade
Soil intermediaries
Strategic services
Tattoo and piercing artists
Transport escorts and traffic controllers
Waste management companies
Questions relating to this article?
Please contact the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO